“And Jesus when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd.” (Mark 6:34a; NKJV)

While Jesus was on earth, He was moved with compassion by seeing the suffering of the people. Within the community, we hope to emulate Jesus’ compassion in the way in which we come alongside people who are hurting. We see in Scripture that Jesus always moved towards those who were hurting, and in the same way we want to move towards those whom the Lord brings across our paths. 4THE1 seeks to show compassion by ultimately leading the lost sheep of the community to the Shepherd of our Souls.

Currently, 4THE1’s compassion ministry consists of home visitation. We seek to love and care for the children when situations arise that require additional assistance, time, or resources.

Our heart is to expand this compassion ministry to include Bible studies for adults, biblical counseling, and Trauma Healing groups.