Last Friday, we had a little party with the children to celebrate the wordless book colours (see below). We finished going through the Wordless Book! If you are unfamiliar with this way of sharing Jesus' story, let me give you a quick sneak peek:
Gold Page: God is perfect and is in Heaven. He is our Creator! He made everything good.
Dark Page: We are all sinners! Sin is anything that we do, say, or think that is not of God. It separates us from God.
Red Page: Jesus died on the cross for OUR sins. His blood was shed on our behalf.
Clean Page: Jesus did not just die; He rose from the dead!! He is alive today! He died and rose again so that He can make us "clean" from sin. Now we can choose to have a relationship with God! If we confess our sins and turn to Jesus, trusting that He did die and rise again, then we can be saved!
Green Page: If we choose to follow Jesus, we can grow in a relationship with Him by spending time with Him, reading our Bible, praying and going to church!
Face paint, sack races, and potato races were a special time for the children! Then, they had the opportunity to work on two crafts: First, they made bracelets with the wordless book colours. Then, they made crosses using popsicle sticks and pom poms. We hope that both serve as a reminder of the Good News of Jesus Christ and become a way for them to share Jesus with those around them!